Microsoft Mouse Double Clicking Mac

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If you've just switched to the Mac, you may find yourself a bit confused by how the Mac's mice and trackpad work.

The Mac famously doesn't come with a mouse or trackpad that has a distinct right mouse button, but that doesn't mean you can't right-click on the Mac. Whether you use the built-in trackpad on your Mac laptop, a Magic Trackpad, a Magic Mouse, or a third-party mouse that has a distinct right button, here's how to enable right-click menus on your Mac.

How to right click on any Mac

Regardless of how your Mac is set up, holding down the control key on the keyboard and pressing your primary mouse or trackpad button will open a shortcut or contextual menu, providing the same functionality that most Windows switchers are accustomed to seeing from a right-click.

  • Right-click in Windows with Boot Camp on Mac. In Windows on your Mac, you can do a secondary click, or right-click, using an Apple Mouse, Magic Mouse, or trackpad. Apple Mouse or Magic Mouse: Click the upper-right corner of the mouse.
  • Nov 19, 2016 Since most of our computing activities require the usage of a mouse click or trackpad click, it’s understandably annoying if suddenly you’re unable to click anything on a Mac. Typically the inability to click occurs all of a sudden, where the mouse still moves around on the screen, but the user can’t click, and when a click on the.
  • Apr 14, 2017 On Mac computers, right click is known as secondary click or Control click. If your mouse, trackpad, or other input device doesn't include a right-click button or other way to perform a right click, just hold down the Control key on your keyboard while you click. The following Apple input devices can right-click and perform other gestures without the Control key.

Aug 08, 2019 If your mouse’s left-click button is sticking, isn’t consistently responding, or is accidentally double-clicking, this often indicates a hardware problem with the mouse. It could be a software issue, however. Sep 19, 2019 How to change the speed of double-clicking your mouse on a Mac Click the Apple icon () in the upper-left corner of your screen. Select System Preferences. From the dropdown menu. Click on Accessibility in the System Preferences window. Scroll down and select Mouse & Trackpad from the menu on. Microsoft offers mice in a range of capabilities and styles, including wireless and Bluetooth-enabled options. This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use.

If you have a third-party mouse that has a right physical button, macOS should recognize the button and map it accordingly after you plug in the mouse. If you like having a different button as your right-click, you can customize which button is primary — left or right — in the Mouse system preference pane.

You may also want to check your third-party mouse maker's website for Mac drivers. Some of the better ones, like Logitech, offer very sophisticated tools for programming not only buttons, but other great functionality like optic tracking speed and acceleration, scroll wheel motion, chording, and more.

How to turn right click on for a Magic Trackpad or MacBook trackpad

Microsoft Mouse Double Clicking Mac Screen

  1. Launch System Preferences from the Dock or by clicking the  button in the top left corner and clicking System Preferences.
  2. Click on the Trackpad icon.

  3. Click the Point and Click tab.
  4. Click the checkbox next to Secondary click.

Once it's activated, you'll be able to right-click by tapping the trackpad with two fingers simultaneously. You can change the preference to click in the bottom left or right corners if you prefer.

How to turn right click on for a Magic Mouse

  1. Launch System Preferences from the Dock or by clicking the Apple button in the top left corner and clicking System Preferences.
  2. Click on Mouse.

  3. Click the checkbox next to Secondary click, and choose either 'click on the right side' or 'click on the left side', depending on your preference.

What do you think?

Do you prefer using a trackpad when you're on your MacBook, or do you opt for the Magic Mouse? Let us know in the comments below!

Updated September 2019: Updated for macOS Catalina.

macOS Catalina

Microsoft Mouse Double Clicking Mac Free


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