In Word 2013, character spacing refers to the spacing between individual characters, and also secondarily to a character’s individual vertical positioning, such as with superscript and subscript.
2015-8-23 Microsoft Word: When I Type, It Replaces (and Forward-Deletes) My Existing Text! The problem Has this ever happened to you? You're editing a document in Microsoft Word, and all of a sudden, instead of inserting the new text you're typing, with every keystroke you're deleting and replacing your existing text! Here's how it might look.
Text scale and spacing changes can help you fit your text into an available space by subtly changing the spacing between each letter. It may not be obvious to your reader that you’ve made such a change, but the overall effect is to increase or decrease the amount of space that text occupies on the page.
The Scale setting controls the width of each character. Changing the scale makes the characters wider or narrower in relation to their height. For example, you can see the same text at 80-, 100-, and 150-percent scaling. The 150-percent version looks like it’s taller than the others, but that’s an optical illusion; they’re actually all the same height — only the width changes.
The Spacing setting controls the blank space between letters. For example, the following shows the same text with different amounts of spacing. Condensed spacing jams the letters together; expanded spacing spreads them out. These examples are dramatic to show the differences more clearly, but in most documents, an adjustment of one point or less may be sufficient.
In Word 2013, open a document in which you want to adjust character spacing for your document to fit onto one page.
Select all the text at the bottom of the page that doesn’t quite fit.
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On the Home tab, click the dialog box launcher in the Font group (.
The Font dialog box opens.
In the Font dialog box, click the Advanced tab; from the Scale drop-down list, choose 90%, and then click OK.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to see whether the text all fits on one page now, and then click the dialog box launcher for the Font group to reopen the Font dialog box.
From the Scale drop-down list, choose 100% to restore the text’s original spacing; from the Spacing drop-down list, choose Condensed; in the By box next to Spacing, click the up arrow to set the amount of condensing to 0.4 point, and then click OK.
You’d think that clicking the up arrow would increase the amount of the setting, but because it’s condensing the text, a smaller number makes it less condensed. So the number goes down as you click the up arrow.
Scroll again to the bottom of the document and notice that the text fits on one page.
Save the document.
Inserting symbols and unusual characters to your document is easy with Office 2011 for Mac. Symbols for foreign languages, math and science, currency, and so on, are quickly accessible in Office 2011 for Mac.
Just position your insertion cursor (the blinking vertical bar) where you want the symbol inserted in your document and then use one of the following tools to browse the symbols in your Mac’s font collections:
The Symbols tab of the Media browser is a quick, easy way to get at the most popular symbols.
In Microsoft Word, you can choose Insert→Symbol→Advanced Symbol to display a more advanced symbol browser.
The Symbols tab of the Media browser contains only popular symbols, fractions, mathematical signs, and even some music notations. This is a quick, easy-to-use tool. Simply click a symbol, and it’s inserted as text into your document at the insertion cursor’s position. A pop-up menu lets you filter the symbols. Drag the slider at the bottom to adjust the symbol preview size.
Within Microsoft Word is a feature that people switching from PC to Mac will find familiar. You display the Symbol dialog by choosing Insert→Symbol→Advanced Symbol. The basic operation is simple: Choose a symbol and then either click the Insert button or double-click the symbol. You find two tabs: Symbols and Special Characters.
The Symbols tab offers a grid-based preview of symbols contained in the font selected in the Font pop-up menu. When you click a symbol, the description area updates and displays the font’s ASCII number and Unicode character number, which you can ignore if you don’t know what that means. If you’ve assigned a keyboard shortcut to a particular symbol, the shortcut is displayed in the Description area.
To insert a symbol, select it in the grid and click the Insert button.
The Special Characters tab of the Symbol dialog has a list of frequently used characters and displays the built-in keyboard shortcuts for those characters in Word. To insert a special character, select it from the list and click the Insert button.