We have received a lot of feedback from macOS users about how Command-Q behaves in Microsoft Edge. We heard that most macOS users expect the app to quit instantly when they press Command-Q, while the behavior in Microsoft Edge is to require you to hold Command-Q. On May 20, 2019, the first preview builds of Edge for macOS were released to the public, marking the first time in 13 years that a Microsoft browser was available on the Mac platform. The last time a Microsoft browser was available on the Mac platform was Microsoft Internet Explorer for Mac, which was withdrawn in January, 2006. Microsoft edge free download - Microsoft Office 2011, Microsoft Office 2016 Preview, Microsoft Office 2008 update, and many more programs.
-->This article describes how to configure Microsoft Edge on macOS using a property list (.plist) file. You'll learn how to create this file and then deploy it to Microsoft Intune.
For more information, see About Information Property List Files (Apple's website) and Custom payload settings.
This article applies to Microsoft Edge version 77 or later.
The first step is to create your plist. You can create the plist file with any text editor or you can use Terminal to create the configuration profile. However, it's easier to create and edit a plist file using a tool that formats the XML code for you. Xcode is a free integrated development environment that you can get from one of the following locations:
For a list of supported policies and their preference key names, see Microsoft Edge browser policies reference. In the policy templates file, which can be downloaded from the Microsoft Edge Enterprise landing page, there's an example plist (itadminexample.plist) in the examples folder. The example file contains all supported data types that you can customize to define your policy settings.
The next step after you create the contents of your plist, is to name it using the Microsoft Edge preference domain, com.microsoft.Edge. The name is case sensitive and should not include the channel you are targeting because it applies to all Microsoft Edge channels. The plist file name must be com.microsoft.Edge.plist.
Starting with build, all Microsoft Edge channels on macOS read from the com.microsoft.Edge preference domain. All prior releases read from a channel specific domain, such as com.microsoft.Edge.Dev for Dev channel.
The last step is to deploy your plist to your users' Mac devices using your preferred MDM provider, such as Microsoft Intune. For instructions see Deploy your plist.
2020-3-25 Before installing Office 2011 for Mac, find hard drive errors by using your Mac’s Disk Utility program. The Disk Utility can detect errors in system file permissions and verify the file structure. Using the Apple Disk Utility may sound rather technical, but it’s actually quite easy. If you have a good disk maintenance and repair utility. 2020-3-5 Problem of installing 2011 Hi. By accident, I uninstalled MS office 2011 from my Mac pro machine. My mac doesn't have DVR, so I downloaded MS office from Microsoft site by using my license. But when I'm trying to install in my mac laptop, it shows this message ' Sorry 'step.exe' is not a compressed file and can not be decompressed.
In Terminal, use the following command to create a plist for Microsoft Edge on your desktop with your preferred settings:
Convert the plist from binary to plain text format:
After converting the file verify that your policy data is correct and contains the settings you want for your configuration profile.
Only key value pairs should be in the contents of the plist or xml file. Prior to uploading your file into Intune remove all the <plist> and <dict> values, and xml headers from your file. The file should only contain key value pairs.
For Microsoft Intune create a new device configuration profile targeting the macOS platform and select the Preference file profile type. Target com.microsoft.Edge as the preference domain name and upload your plist. For more information see Add a property list file to macOS devices using Microsoft Intune.
For Jamf upload the .plist file as a Custom Settings payload.
Yes, you can configure Microsoft Edge to use a master preferences file.
A master preferences file lets you configure default settings for a browser user profile when Microsoft Edge is deployed. You can also use a master preferences file to apply settings on computers that aren't managed by a device management system. These settings are applied to the user’s profile the first time the user runs the browser. After the user runs the browser, changes to the master preferences file aren’t applied. A user can change settings from the master preferences in the browser. If you want to make a setting mandatory or change a setting after the first run of the browser, you must use a policy.
A master preferences file lets you to customize many different settings and preferences for the browser, including those shared with other Chromium based browsers and specific to Microsoft Edge. Policy related preferences can be configured using the master preferences file. In cases where a policy is set and there’s a corresponding master preference set, the policy setting takes precedence.
All the available preferences might not be consistent with Microsoft Edge terminology and naming conventions. There’s no guarantee that these preferences will continue to work as expected in future releases. Preferences might be changed or ignored in later versions.
A master preferences file is a text file that’s formatted using JSON markup. This file needs to be added to the same directory as the msedge.exe executable. For system wide enterprise deployments on macOS this is typically: “~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Microsoft Edge Master Preferences' or '/Library/Microsoft/Microsoft Edge Master Preferences”.
This article describes how to configure policy settings on macOS using a Microsoft Edge policy manifest file on Jamf Pro 10.19.
You can also configure Microsoft Edge policy settings on macOS by using a property list (.plist) file. For more information, see Configure for macOS using a .plist
The feature described in this article is supported in preview and applies to Microsoft Edge Beta Channel version 81 and Jamf Pro 10.19.
The following software is required:
Before Jamf Pro 10.18, managing Office 365 involved manually building a .plist file. This was a time-consuming workflow that required a strong technical background. Jamf Pro 10.18 eliminated those barriers by streamlining the configuration process. However, IT Admins could only use this new user interface for specific applications and preference domains specified by Jamf.
In Jamf Pro 10.19, a user can upload a JSON manifest as a 'custom schema' to target any preference domain, and the graphical user interface will be generated from this manifest. The custom schema that's created follows the JSON Schema specification.
For more information, see Computer Configuration Profiles in the Jamf Pro Administrator's Guide.
To get the policy manifest:
Go to the Microsoft Edge Enterprise landing page.
On the CHANNEL/BUILD dropdown list, select Beta 81.*.
On the PLATFORM dropdown list, select macOS 64 bit.
Click GET POLICY FILES to download our policy templates bundle.
Currently, the policy templates bundle is signed as a CAB file. You'll need to use a 3rd party tool, such as The Unarchiver to open the file on macOS.
After you unpack the CAB file, unpack the ZIP file and navigate to the 'mac' top level directory. The manifest, which is named 'policy_manifest.json', is in this directory.
This manifest will be published in every policy bundle starting with build 81.0.416.3. If you want to test policies in the Dev channel, you can take the manifest associated with each Dev release and test it in Jamf Pro.
Use the following steps to upload the policy manifest to Jamf Pro and then create a policy profile for macOS.
Sign in to Jamf.
Select the Computer tab.
Under Content Management, select Configuration Profiles.
On the Configuration Profiles page, click + New.
On New macOS Configuration Profile>Options, select Application & Custom Settings.
On the Application & Custom Settings popup window, click Configure.
In the Application & Custom Settings section, set the values shown in the following screen shot.
After you save the profile, Jamf displays the General section shown in the next screen shot.
After you save the General section, Jamf shows the 'Microsoft Edge Beta Channel' configuration profile set up for our example. In the next screen shot, note that you can keep working the profile by clicking Edit or if you're finished, click Done.
You can edit this profile after it's been saved and in another Jamf session. For example, you might decide to change the Distribution Method to Make Available in Self Service.
To do a follow up edit on the Microsoft Edge Beta Channel, or delete it, select the profile name, shown in the following Configuration Profiles screen shot.
After you create the new configuration profile you still have to configure the Scope for the profile.
For Targets, provide the following minimum settings:
For Limitations, keep the default setting: None. Click Cancel.
For Exclusions, keep the default setting: None. Click Cancel.
Yes, you can configure Microsoft Edge to use a master preferences file.
A master preferences file lets you configure default settings for a browser user profile when Microsoft Edge is deployed. You can also use a master preferences file to apply settings on computers that aren't managed by a device management system. These settings are applied to the user’s profile the first time the user runs the browser. After the user runs the browser, changes to the master preferences file aren’t applied. A user can change settings from the master preferences in the browser. If you want to make a setting mandatory or change a setting after the first run of the browser, you must use a policy.
A master preferences file lets you to customize many different settings and preferences for the browser, including those shared with other Chromium based browsers and specific to Microsoft Edge. Policy related preferences can be configured using the master preferences file. In cases where a policy is set and there’s a corresponding master preference set, the policy setting takes precedence.
All the available preferences might not be consistent with Microsoft Edge terminology and naming conventions. There’s no guarantee that these preferences will continue to work as expected in future releases. Preferences might be changed or ignored in later versions.
A master preferences file is a text file that’s formatted using JSON markup. This file needs to be added to the same directory as the msedge.exe executable. For system wide enterprise deployments on macOS this is typically: “~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Microsoft Edge Master Preferences' or '/Library/Microsoft/Microsoft Edge Master Preferences”.