Why Does Link For Hyperlink Show Microsoft Mac
  1. Why Does Link For Hyperlink Show Microsoft Mac Free
  2. Why Does Link For Hyperlink Show Microsoft Mac Word
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  4. Why Does Link For Hyperlink Show Microsoft Mac Pro


Link Dropbox To Microsoft Office And Never Lose Work Ever Again! I want to make sure you understand that although I’m going to show the tip. Does this link get undone if I delete the.

  1. Adding hyperlinks to your Word document is an easy way to give your readers quick access to information on the web or in another part of a document without having to include that content right on the page. Let’s look at how to insert, manage, and delete different kinds of.
  2. The HYPERLINK function creates a shortcut that jumps to another location in the current workbook, or opens a document stored on a network server, an intranet, or the Internet. When you click a cell that contains a HYPERLINK function, Excel jumps to the location listed, or opens the document you specified.
  3. Select the text or picture to use as a link, and then click Insert Hyperlink. In the Insert Hyperlink box, do one of the following: To link to a Web page or file, click Web Page or File, and then in the Address box, type a URL or click Select to browse to a file.

Office 365 ProPlus is being renamed to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. For more information about this change, read this blog post.


When you click a hyperlink in a Microsoft Office document, you may experience the following behavior before you can open the page that you requested:

  • You are redirected to a logon page or an error page

  • You are prompted for authentication information.
    Typically, this behavior occurs when the following conditions are true:

  • You open the Office document in edit mode outside the Web browser.

  • The Web site in the hyperlink uses a Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication system that relies on HTTP session cookies for client identification. Even if you have already provided user credentials, you are prompted to provide the user credentials again.


Office lets you edit and author documents on a Web site if the server supports Web authoring and collaboration. First, Office tries to communicate with the Web server. Then Office tries to directly bind to the resource by using the Microsoft Hyperlink Library (Hlink.dll) and the URLMON API.

When Office sends the Web page request, you may be redirected to the Web site logon page for the SSO system. This behavior occurs because the Office session is independent of the Web browser session in which you may have already provided user credentials.

Because the sessions are independent, session cookies are not shared. If the SSO system exclusively relies on session cookie information, the SSO system may not appear to work because the same user moves from more than one session. This behavior is a fundamental design limitation of an SSO system when the SSO system is not designed to support SSO authentication across more than one browser or Web-aware application on the client desktop. Because Office is a fully Web-aware application, the issue may appear unique to Office applications if they are the only Web-aware clients that are installed by the client. However, the root cause of this issue is not limited to Microsoft Office, and this problem may occur when you use third-party software.


The problem is a limitation of the SSO system that is used by the Web server. However, you may be able to reduce the current effects for your SSO-protected Web site by using one of the following methods.

Hyperlinks from Internet Explorer to Office

If this issue occurs when hyperlinks on a Web page open an Office file and the Web page is hosted in Internet Explorer, you can avoid this issue by explicitly marking the content as a read-only download instead of as an inline navigation.

To do this, add a custom HTTP header to the GET response for the Office file contents. Add the 'Content-Disposition: Attachment' header. When a GET response contains this header, Internet Explorer prompts the user to open or save the download. If the user chooses to open the download, the file opens from the Internet Explorer Temporary File cache read-only. The user may choose to modify and save the file locally. However, the user will not be able to save the file to the server or collaborate with Web services for the Web site. Therefore, this solution only works if you intend to make the file read-only.

You can set the 'Content-Disposition' header by using code in Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP), in Microsoft ASP.NET, or in ISAPI when you work with dynamically generated content. If the content is static, you can configure the header for a given file or folder by using IIS Manager and the IIS metabase.For more information about the Content-Disposition HTTP header, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

260519 How to raise a 'File Download' dialog box for a known MIME type

Hyperlinks from Office to Internet Explorer or to another Web browser

If this issue occurs when you click hyperlinks in Office documents that either directly open HTML Web content or are redirected to HTML content, client users can avoid the problem by enabling a registry key to send the hyperlink navigation to the browser instead of directly binding to the hyperlink from Office. For more information, see Error message when clicking hyperlink in Office: 'Cannot locate the Internet server or proxy server'.

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Note Regardless of the version of Office that you have installed, add the registry key in the exact location that is specified in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 218153.

When you use this registry setting, the HLINK component that is used by Office opens the hyperlink in the default Web browser. This registry setting affects all HLINK clients, not just Office. Therefore, use this registry key carefully.

More Information

To fully resolve this issue, we encourage SSO providers to develop a system that could allow for Web authoring and a client that uses multiple sessions. This configuration adds complexity to the SSO system. However, this configuration also offers clients the most usability options. Microsoft is currently working with key SSO providers for a long-term solution.

Additionally, Microsoft is investigating how end users use Office to better predict and manage the following scenarios:

  • The user intends to open a hyperlink in read-only mode. In this scenario, the hyperlink is opened in browse mode.
  • The user wants to modify the content. In this scenario, a new session is required for authoring and collaboration.

These configuration changes may reduce the effect of the issue that is described in the 'Symptoms' section. These changes may also add flexibility for the user when the user visits an SSO site that does not support configurations that include multiple-session clients.

If you are an SSO designer or developer, you can add support for multiple-session clients. For example, you may use the following methods:

  • Use persistent cookie information and session cookie information to identify when a single client has crossed sessions between applications on the desktop. Then, provide Web responses either to transfer the client back into single session or to authenticate the new session.

  • Use a client-side component to create an integrated authentication system. Use this integrated authentication system to authenticate all processes that are started under the same user authentication token.

  • Use certificates or another security-enhanced but persistent identification method to authenticate the client.

  • For an HTTP request that may be a multiple-session client request, issue a client-side redirect response instead of a server-side redirect response. For example, send an HTTP script or a META REFRESH tag instead of an HTTP 302 response. This change forces the client back into the default Web browser of the user. Therefore, the default browser session can handle the call and can keep the call in a single, read-only session.

    This method does not allow for authoring. However, this method makes it clear that the SSO system does not handle multiple-session clients and wants the client to stay in the default browser session only.

The exact approach to this configuration change depends on your design goals and the level of integration that you want to have with the client desktop.



Office 365 ProPlus is being renamed to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. For more information about this change, read this blog post.

For a Microsoft Word 98 Macintosh Edition version of this article, see 211955.


This article answers the most frequently asked questions about creating and using hyperlinks in Microsoft Word 2002 and in later versions of Word.

More Information

When I type a file address with spaces in it, Word replaces the address with a hyperlink after I press SPACEBAR. How can I finish typing an address that includes spaces before Word converts it to a hyperlink?

To ensure that Word will recognize an address that includes spaces as a single hyperlink, enclose the address in quotation marks. If the address is not enclosed in quotation marks, Word creates the hyperlink when you press SPACEBAR.

How do I turn off automatic hyperlinks?

To turn off automatic hyperlinks, follow these steps, as appropriate for the version of Word that you are running:

  • In Microsoft Office Word 2010 and 2013, follow these steps:

    1. On the File menu, click Options.

    2. Click Proofing, and then click AutoCorrect Options.

    3. On the AutoFormat as you type tab and on the AutoFormat tab, click to clear the Internet and network paths with hyperlinks check box, and then click OK.

    4. Click OK to close the Word Options dialog box.

  • In Microsoft Office Word 2007, follow these steps:

    1. Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Word Options.
    2. Click Proofing, and then click AutoCorrect Options.
    3. On the AutoFormat as you type tab and on the AutoFormat tab, click to clear the Internet and network paths with hyperlinks check box, and then click OK.
    4. Click OK to close the Word Options dialog box.
  • In Microsoft Office Word 2003 and in Microsoft Word 2002, follow these steps:

    1. On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options.
    2. On the AutoFormat as you type tab and on the AutoFormat tab, click to clear the Internet and network paths with hyperlinks check box.
    3. Click OK.

How do I change the display text or image of a hyperlink after it has been created?

You can change the display text or image for a hyperlink in the same way that you edit any text or image in your document.

To follow a hyperlink, press and hold CTRL, and then click the hyperlink.

For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

279090 Cannot click to activate hyperlink

How do I remove a hyperlink without losing the display text or image?

To remove a single hyperlink without losing the display text or image, right-click the hyperlink, and then click Remove Hyperlink.

To remove all hyperlinks in a document, press CTRL+A to select the entire document and then press CTRL+SHIFT+F9.


Performing this operation converts all fields, not just hyperlinks, to plain text.

How do I change the underlying Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for a hyperlink?

To change the underlying URL for a hyperlink, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the hyperlink text or image, and then click Edit Hyperlink.
  2. In the Edit Hyperlink dialog box, type or select a URL from the Type the file or web page name box.
  3. Click OK.

How do I create hyperlinks to locations within the same document?

To create a hyperlink to a location within the same document, use one of the following methods:

  • Use a drag-and-drop operation. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Save the document.
    2. Select the word, phrase, or image that you want to use as the destination for the hyperlink.
    3. Right-click and hold down the mouse button while dragging the selection to the new location; then, release the mouse button.
    4. Click Create Hyperlink Here.
  • Create a bookmark, and then create a link. To do this, follow these steps, as appropriate for the version of Word that you are running:
    • In Word 2007 and in Word 2010 and 2013, follow these steps:
      1. Save the document.
      2. Select the text or the image that you want to use as the destination for the hyperlink.
      3. Click the Insert tab.
      4. In the Links group, click Bookmark.
      5. In the Bookmark name box, type a unique name for the bookmark, and then click Add.
      6. Move the insertion point to the location in the document where you want to create the hyperlink.
      7. Click Hyperlink in the Links group.
      8. Click Bookmark.
      9. In the Select Place in Document dialog box, select the bookmark that you want to use as the destination hyperlink, and then click OK.
      10. Click OK to close the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.
    • In Word 2003 and in Word 2002, follow these steps:
      1. Save the document.
      2. Select the text or the image that you want to use as the destination for the hyperlink.
      3. On the Insert menu, click Bookmark.
      4. In the Bookmark name box, type a unique name for the bookmark, and then click Add.
      5. Move the insertion point to the location in the document where you want to create the hyperlink.
      6. On the Insert menu, click Hyperlink.
      7. Click Bookmark.
      8. In the Select Place in Document dialog box, select the bookmark that you want to use as the destination hyperlink, and then click OK.
      9. Click OK again.

What is the difference between a relative hyperlink and an absolute hyperlink?

An absolute hyperlink uses the full address of the destination document. A relative hyperlink uses the address relative to the address of the containing document. This is also known as the hyperlink base.

For example, suppose that a document has the following address:

C:My Documents1999 report.doc

This document has absolute and relative hyperlinks to a document that has the following full address (and absolute hyperlink):

C:My DocumentsAprilSales.doc

The relative hyperlink contains only the relative address to Sales.doc. The relative address is as follows:


Use a relative link if you want to move or to copy your files to another location, such as a Web server.

When I click a hyperlink in Word, I receive a message that indicates that no program is registered to open the file. What do I do to open the file?

You receive this message when Windows is unable to find the program that is associated with the type of document that is specified in the hyperlink path. This information is encoded in the extension of the hyperlink address.

To view the hyperlink, turn on the Tool Tips option, and then position the mouse pointer over the hyperlink.

To locate the Tool Tips option, use one of the following procedures, as appropriate for the version of Word that you are running:

Why does link for hyperlink show microsoft mac download
  • In Word 2010 and 2013, click File, click Options, and then click Display.
  • In Word 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button, click Word Options, and then click Display.
  • In Word 2003 and in Word 2002, click Options on the Tools menu, and then click the View tab.

To correct this problem, install the program that is associated with the document type that is specified in the hyperlink.

The file name extension is the group of characters that follow the last period in the address. The following table lists some of the Office document types and their file name extensions.

Document typeFile name extensions in Office 2003 and in earlier versions of OfficeFile name extensions in the 2007 Office programs
Microsoft Access database.mdb.accdb
Microsoft Excel workbook.xls.xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb
Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.pot.potx, .potm
Microsoft Publisher publication.pub.pub
Microsoft Word document.doc.docx, .docm